Welcome, prospective members! Thanks for your interest in joining the Wichita Falls Youth Symphony Orchestra.
Open auditions are typically held in January, May, and August. All successful auditions guarantee your chair for the remainder of the current school year. May auditions are the first opportunity to fill spots for the full school year and are considered the main audition time. August and January’s auditions are limited and subject to restrictions if any sections are previously filled.

How to Join
Upcoming mid-season orchestra auditions for the 2024-25 season will be held January 5, 2025 at 1:00pm in the Band Hall on the MSU campus.
Step 1: fill out the AUDITION FORM by clicking here.
The YSO encourages all students to apply regardless of gender, school, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. You will be contacted with details and a specific audition time.
Step 2: Student fees are $100 per semester and are due prior to the first rehearsal. Sibling discounts and a limited number of partial scholarships will be available based solely on financial need.
Direct all financial aid inquiries to the YSO office by calling (940)228-9873, or emailing at
Step 3: download the music AND the scales for your instrument for the orchestra of your choice. Read instructions for which measures to play, and string players should follow bowing instructions when indicated.
Step 4: practice and show up ready to shine. Scales remain posted year-round and audition excerpts specific to your orchestra and instrument are available one month prior to the audition date.
Philharmonic Orchestra
Students entering 3rd grade on up to 12th grade may audition for the Philharmonic Orchestra. An instructor recommendation must accompany a student younger than 3rd grade. The Philharmonic Orchestra is a strings-only, developmental orchestra performing beginning to intermediate orchestral arrangements.
Philharmonic Violin:
Philharmonic Viola:
Philharmonic Bass:
Philharmonic Cello:

Symphonic Orchestra
Students entering the 6th grade on up may audition for the Symphonic Orchestra.
Members in 11th and 12th grade are also eligible to audition for the Apprenticeship program after being accepted to the orchestra. Seniors may apply for the Gail Key Scholarship for Music Excellence.
Strings: Refer to excerpts and scales below. Possible sight reading. Strings, please note any fingering, position, and/or bow markings.
Winds and Brass: Refer to the excerpts and scales listed below for your instrument. You may also be asked to sight read.
Percussion: Please prepare the excerpts provided.
*Regarding Piano and Harp auditions; we have limited need for piano and harp which depends solely on the repertoire chosen for the two orchestras. You may audition, but there is no guarantee a pianist or harpist will be needed. (NO MID-SEASON PIANO AUDITIONS IN JANUARY)
The following sections are open for the 2024-25 mid-season auditions. The scales remain unchanged and available at all times.
Symphonic Violin:
Symphonic Viola:
Symphonic Cello:
Symphonic Bass:
Symphonic Timpani and Percussion:
Symphonic Woodwinds:
- Flute Excerpts (Piccolo too if you have one)
- Oboe and English Horn Excerpts
- NO Clarinet Auditions (check back in April)
- NO Bass Clarinet Auditions (check back in April)
- Bassoon Excerpts
Symphonic Brass:
Stringsemble Audition Music
There is currently no audition music for the 2024-25 advanced ensemble, Stringsemble, under the direction of Barbara Kavanaugh.